Skin Pigmentation Emedicine

Skin pigmentation is usually brought about by an infection on the cells responsible for melanin production. Melanin is vital in protecting the skin against ultra violet rays of the sun and the amount produced dictates the skin color of an individual. More of melanin means darker skin while less melanin means lighter skin.

An infection means that the normal production of melanin is interrupted hence a change in the skin color. The skin may all over sudden start to produce a lot of melanin, something that will make it turn darker. On the other hand, it may also produce a lesser amount of melanin, making it appear darker. This pigmentation may appear in form of blotches or spots on the skin mostly in parts of skin exposed to sunlight. Sometimes it appears in the whole body.

What are its symptoms? The most common are patches of pigmentation that occur all over the body especially in body parts exposed to the sun like the face, palms, arms, neck, part of the chest, upper back and part of the legs. These blotches often worsen with exposure to sunlight.

Pigmentation is caused by a number of factors. Sometimes it is just due to ageing and other times a lot of exposure to the rays of the sun. To be more specific, there are particular natural conditions that cause it. One of them is albinism and such is a hereditary condition that is as a result of lack of melanin on the skin. Others include vitiligo, sun bathing, poor nutrition, melasma, jaundice, pregnancy and menopause (because of the hormones) and illnesses like pneumonia.

Skin pigmentation usually occurs in people of all races. However, when it occurs the blotches are obviously more prominent in light skinned persons, hence the illusion that pigmentation occurs mostly in light skinned people.

It also occurs to people of all sexes. Making an assumption that pigmentation occurs mostly on women because of using of unsafe cosmetic products is wrong because it actually occurs with the same frequency on men too.

Variation of its frequency of occurrence sets in when looking at age. It is indeed true that pigmentation occurs to people of ages, starting from infants to the elderly. However, it occurs more frequently and extensively in people of the older age bracket, usually above fifty years of age.

There are many treatment options of pigmentation ranging from certain creams, power peels, kojic acids, etc. It is however advisable that you first consult a dermatologist to initiate the correct and most suitable treatment process.


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An Introduction To Skin Pigmentation Disorders

Simply put, skin pigmentation is the color of one’s skin. Skin cells called melanocytes produce melanin, which is the substance that gives skin its color, or pigmentation. The more melanin produced, the darker the skin. Conversely, lighter skin is the result of lower melanin production levels. Melanin also acts as barrier against UV light. Anomalies such as freckles are present in all skin colors and are caused by patches of uneven melanin production. Lentigines, more commonly known as age spots resemble freckles and tend to appear on people over the age of forty. Other skin pigmentation disorders include those caused by varying degrees of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation are cases in which hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation are symptomatic of different disorder altogether.

Hyperpigmentation is defined as the excess production of melanin resulting in the darkening of skin and/or nails. While sun exposure and hormones can trigger melanocyte activity and produce excess melanin, there are diseases and disorders associated with hyperpigmentation. Any disorder of the skin is frequently considered systemic and as such can be a symptom of a more serious disease. Wrong Diagnosis ( ) lists over 151 causes of hyperpigmentation. Ranging from the common, such as chloasma, or the “mask of pregnancy” triggered by hormonal shifts and changes to the more serious such as Addison’s disease, which is a rare hormonal disorder, hyperpigmentation, can often act as the canary in the mine to alert doctors of other underlying issues.

Hypopigmentation is the loss of skin pigmentation. Vitiligo is the most common hypopigmentation disorder. Marked by patches of lighter or “whited out” skin, it affects people of all races. For obvious reasons, vitiligo is most noticeable in darker skinned people. Unfortunately, there is no known cure. Traditional treatment has focused on slowing down the loss of pigmentation. Albinism is another example of hyperpigmentation and is the result of little or no melanin production. This results in the almost milky white skin and light eyes regardless of race. Because melanin plays a part in optic nerve development, albinism also creates problems with the function of the eyes.

We know that our skin is our largest organ. It makes sense that while skin pigmentation or melanin production generally has no bearing on overall health, a glitch in that production usually is an indication another condition. That condition can be as innocuous as freckles or age spots, or as serious as Addison’s disease or albinism.


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Skin Pigmentation And Chloasma In Pregnancy


Skin Pigmentation And Chloasma In Pregnancy

Skin Pigmentation and Chloasma in pregnancy

Chloasma, often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” is common in some pregnant women. It can take on the appearance of darkened skin or discoloration. Most noticeable on the face (hence “mask”), other areas of the skin can be affected as well. A form of hyperpigmentation, chloasma is caused by the disruption of melanin production due to elevated hormone levels. More noticeable in darker skinned women, chloasma can affect women with lighter skin as well.

Happily, for pregnant women, chloasma pigmentation is temporary and will begin to fade within the months following childbirth. It is not harmful in any way, other than the cosmetic issues plaguing an already sensitive mother-to-be. Rest assured there are some solutions and temporary fixes as well as tips for long term care of your skin.

First, it is important to note that staying out of the sun during pregnancy is just as (if not more!) important than ever. Wearing a good sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) with keep those UV rays from further darkening chloasma pigmentation and intensifying the hyperpigmentation. Covering up in long sleeves and a wonderful big sun hat when working or relaxing outside is another good tip and one that should be adhered to post pregnancy as well!

Folic acid is something that all pregnant women should be taking and for good reason. Prenatal vitamins should provide the recommended daily amount for both mother and baby. There are current studies to suggest that folic acid protects a mother’s skin against hyperpigmentation. There are also great dietary choices that are great sources such as whole wheats and grains, leafy green vegetables, and citrus fruits.

Cosmetically, during pregnancy, a good foundation and concealer are probably the best options. Using ones with built-in SPF is an even better choice. You will want to avoid bleaches or other chemical treatments at least until you give birth. Dermabrasion or peels of any type are also probably better left until after childbirth. As always, consulting with your doctor at this time about any treatments you are considering is very important. Remember, chloasma pigmentation problems are temporary and harmless. You may even find in the months following that you do not need them.

There are some wonderful sites for mothers to be that not only provide helpful information about chloasma, but nearly everything related to pregnancy is Another one that offers expectant moms the opportunity to ask questions specific to their concerns is


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Kitchen Remedies For Skin Pigmentation


Kitchen Remedies For Skin Pigmentation

Pigmentation is simply coloration of the skin. When you have pigmentation problems it basically means that your skin has problems with colour. These skin problems occur when melanocytes are infected. Melanocytes are the cells that are responsible for the production of melanin. When these cells are infected, they affect melanin production. There can be less or more melanin production. The more melanin you have, the darker your skin. The less the melanin you have, the lighter your skin gets. When melanin is under produced, that spot on your skin will be lighter than the rest and when it is overproduced, the spot is darker.

The kitchen is a place where you prepare all your meals. Did you know that your kitchen might be holding keys to you getting rid of pigmentation problems? There are many kitchen remedies for pigmentation problems.

Blended onions are used to treat pigment problems. You can also mix this juice with apple cider vinegar. The two combined cleanse the skin and make the dark spots on the skin to fade.

Lemon juice is a good kitchen remedy for many skin disorders. This is so as its acidic nature burns the skin and makes it fade. The same applies to pigmentation problems. Lemon juice makes the dark spot to fade and in no time, you will have an even skin tone. Lemon juice is not only good when applied on the skin but it is also good when ingested take a glass of lemon juice every morning to get rid of pigmentation problems.

Cucumber is used on pigmentation problems. It can be mixed with lemon juice and the two combined work better on this skin condition. Cucumbers are also mixed with honey to get rid of pigmentation problems. The use of honey in this case is to hydrate the skin for people that have dry skin. This gives a more conducive atmosphere for the cucumbers. Cucumbers can also be used alone. You really do not have to mix its juice with any other thing. It simply works by making the dark spots to fade.

In conclusion, as you have seen, there are many kitchen remedies for pigmentation problems. All you have to do is try and se what is best for you. You should first try it out on a small part of your skin and see how it reacts, if you do not react then the treatment is for you.


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Causes Of Skin Pigmentation Problems

Causes Of Skin Pigmentation Problems:

The skin’s appearance is always an issue of concern for a majority of people. Evenly colored skin tones are widely considered to be good skin. Pigmentation, or skin coloring, depends on the level of melanin produced in one’s skin. Excessive production will cause dark patches (known as hyperpigmentation) while absence of melanin or reduced melanin causes white spots, or lighter areas (known as hypopigmentation). Both can be stressful, even when they represent no serious health consequences.

Exposure to high levels of ultra violet light (UV) through the sun tanning or through artificial sources such as sunlamps is one of the most common causes of skin pigmentation.

Poor diet, undernourishment or malnourishment can also cause pigmentation changes. This is due to lack of vitamin A, E and B complex which causes patchy and spotty discoloration of the skin

Changes in female hormones especially during pregnancy and menopause may also cause skin pigmentation and this is seen by brown spots on the face. The use of birth control pills may also bring about  pigmentation.

Jaundice, which is caused by accumulation of bile in your blood and body tissues, may also cause severe pigmentation although it rarely does.  Pneumonia can cause pigmentation as well, as it affects the amount of oxygen getting to the bloodstream.

Excessive use of cosmetics may cause allergic reactions thus leading to pigmentation.  Certain makeup products have chemical ingredients such as creams that have mercury in. These react adversely on the skin surface causing skin discoloration.

Albinism is the most common inheritable cause of pigmentation; it is characterized by pale skin, Pale hair and pale eyes.  In this condition the sufferer does not have or has minimal skin pigmentation.

Vitiligo is another skin pigmentation problem that can cause hypopigmentation on specific areas of the body. It this type of pigmentation condition the sufferer loses their skin color. It occurs when the immune cells destroy the cells that produce brown pigment (melanocytes).

There are four types of drug reactions that can cause or lead to skin pigmentation. These are photosentivity reactions, drug-induced hyperpigmentation, fixed drug eruptions and drug eruptions with secondary post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Although pigmentation changes by drugs usually result in a limited degree of morbidity, these changes may be disturbing to the patient. The drugs prescribed for high blood pressure, asthma, insomnia, birth control and acne are the most common types of drugs that might cause pigmentation.

Finally, avoid the avoidable causes of this skin condition and you will be safe from pigmentation problems.


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Are Pigmentation Problems Dangerous?

Pigmentation is simply colouring. Skin pigmentation problems are therefore problems of the skin concerning colour. This is the result of an infection of the cells that produce melanin. The cells are destroyed and this affects production of melanin. Melanin is responsible for skin color and if its production is affected, then there will be a problem in skin colour. Melanin is very important in shielding the body against the sun’s harmful UV light. People with dark skin have more melanin than people with light skin. When pigmentation problems affect the skin, melanin can either be under produced or overproduced but it is overproduced in most conditions. When the melanin is less, the skin will have light patches and dark patches will develop when it is overproduced. This means that you will have an uneven skin tone.

There are several causes for pigmentation problems. They are inherited. If you have a family history of pigmentation problems, then you are at risk of getting them as your chances are increased. These skin problems are also caused by excessive use of some cosmetics. These cosmetics destroy the skin exposing it to pigmentation problems. Jaundice also leads to this skin condition. Jaundice is the yellowing of skin and in this case, melanin is under produced.  Improper diet is also a cause of skin pigmentation problems. Lack of certain vitamins in the diet can lead to skin pigmentation problems. Vitamins A, E and B complex are very necessary for the development of healthy skin. They help in growth of new cells and repair of old ones.

Skin pigmentation problems are of different types. Some are age spots, liver spots and freckles. They are not cancerous and this means that they pose no health risk. The only problem that comes with skin pigmentation problems is that they make you feel unattractive. The dark spots give the skin a bad look and an uneven skin tone. Treatment for skin pigmentation problems is never necessary as it is a harmless skin disorder.

Lasers are used to treat skin pigmentation problems. They are very popular as they are effective and fast. However, laser treatments are very costly. Creams and bleaching agents can also be used to treat skin pigmentation problems. Lemon juice, apple cider and vinegar are used too.

Finally, skin pigmentation problems are very harmless and there is no reason for panic once you realize that you have the skin condition.


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Profactional Resurfacing For The Treatment Of Pigmentation

The use of profactional resurfacing for treating pigmentation involves a strategy which makes use of Sciton laser technolog  which produces ablative resurfacing and the short recovery time of the laser treatments. The use of profactional resurfacing techniques will help the medical personnel control better the depth and intensity of the laser treatment to achieve the best possible result. Aside its usage for sun spots treatments, it can also be used in treating wrinkles and hyperpigmentation problems. [continue reading…]


Removing Facial Pigmentation With Home Remedies

Facial pigmentation can occur through a number of ways and most predominant are the effects of UV rays from the sun. Pimples, freckles, blemishes & pigmentation all make the face look awful and there is no safer way to remove such except through natural and bio-organic methods.  Lemon juice is the top natural facial pigmentation removal therapy used. It contains a high content of acidic agents which can gently exfoliate and naturally bleach blemishes and pigmentation from the surface of the skin. As the affected skin layer fades, new skin layer is revealed.

Over-the-counter exfoliators are non abrasive commercial cleansing exfoliators, which contains natural ingredients that can penetrate the skin and clear up skin blemishes without causing harm to the skin. Just dip a sponge in the exfoliator and rub against your face in a circular motion before applying the exfoliating mask. You can repeat this several times a week to achieve the best possible result.  Raw potassium is another natural home remedy for removing facial pigmentation or discolouration. Potatoes contain lots of ingredients including sulphur, potassium and phosphorous and potatoes are ideal in removing small blemishes and pigmentation from the face. [continue reading…]


Forms Of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition that presents itself in various forms and has many causes one of them being the sun, skin injuries or inflammation. It presents itself as patches of skin which are unusually darker than the surrounding skin. It is as a result of excess melanin, which is the skin color pigment, being produced in the skin. This condition is not limited to one race as any race can be affected; however people with Asian and African origin are more prone to this condition as compared to people with lighter skin tones. This is because more melanin is present in darker skin.

The most common form of hyperpigmentation is liver spots scientifically known as solar lentigines. This form of hyperpigmentation comes about as a result of extreme exposure to the sun. This condition usually occurs on the face, arms or hands as these are the areas most exposed to the sun. [continue reading…]


How To Lighten Pigmentation Without Irritating Your Skin

Many people have worsened their skin pigmentation in the process of trying to lighten the discolorations on their skin. Cumulative sun exposure especially in light skin people have made such people always dealing with several pigmentation problems, aside these pigmentations, they also have to contend with damaged skin tissues, damaged lesions, and scars which can cause all sorts of pigmentation problems on the skin. You need to watch the kind of products you will use to lighten your pigmentation problems otherwise you will trigger some forms of allergic reactions on your skin. The best possible way of lightening your pigmentation problems without causing irritation on your skin is through natural remedies and natural lightening creams. [continue reading…]